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Chris Blinston
Chris Blinston


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Chris Blinston is not only known for his award winning tattoos and first class tattoo studio in Coral Springs Florida, No Hard Feelings Tattoo, but also for his strong personality and ability to push himself forward. He is a dedicated Father, leader and community advocate. Blinston is known for rendering amazing images on the skin, often beginning with a pen and marker in hand. He graduated from Kansas State University in 1992 with a degree in Architectural Engineering and art. Afterwards, he worked his way through the ranks of the US Marine Corps. Chris moved on to tattooing, applying the same work ethic that he relied on for any previous challenge. Throughout his tattoo career, Chris has won over 160 industry awards. If you have a chance to meet Chris Blinston at his shop, or at a tattoo convention, take an opportunity to witness a highly skilled and equally driven individual. He is willing to discuss ideas and give advice that keeps only the client’s best interest in mind.